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Socket conditional example (SSL) for a lighttpd instance to do another port

#### SSL engine
$SERVER["socket"] == "" {
ssl.engine                  = "enable"
ssl.pemfile                 = "/usr/local/openssl/certs/wildcard.textdrive.com.pem"

Getting a copy of a x509 certificate

If you need to easily retrieve a x509 certificate from a remote webserver, the easiest method is:

openssl s_client -showcerts -connect www.example.com:443

Which you can then go and copy from the line starting with '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----' to '-----END CERTIFICATE-----' into the www.example.com.crt file.

Chained SSL certs in lighttpd

ssl.ca-file = "/usr/local/openssl/certs/chain.ca.crt"
ssl.pemfile = "/usr/local/openssl/certs/server.pem"

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