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Variables for capistrano

Cap uses lots of symbols for pointing to variables.

When adjusting the value of a cap variable that is located in the standard.rb task library, you must use :set to adjust its value within your own recipe file (such as deploy.rb).

Example: :migrate_env is declared in Cap's standard.rb. To adjust its value, do not use a local variable named migrate_env to do so, it won't apply to the standard.rb library tasks.

set :migrate_geoip, "load_geoipcountry=false"
set :migrate_env, "#{migrate_geoip}"

Capistrano namespaces

when namespace is specified for a task, all subsequent tasks are assumed to be in the same namespace, reverting to non-namespaced task if not found

desc "OVERRIDE of deploy:cold"
deploy.task :cold, :roles => :app do
  puts "Overridden!"
  puts "Deploy method: #{deploy_via.to_s}"
  puts "Copy Strat: #{copy_strategy.to_s}"
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