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filesharing between linux and windows

In Redhat EL WS 4 (which has Samba pre-installed and running)

become superuser then create a device to mount to
mkdir /mount/<linx_share>

Add an entry to the /etc/hosts for the windows box, with its IP and a hostname DL1

Then create the share in the windows box (in Windows, using normal file sharing.
We'll call it win_share

Then mount the device in Linux
mount -t smbfs ///win_share /mnt/linx_share

mount -t smbfs //DL1/sshare /mnt/share

Linux should ask for a password (windows password). This assumes that the username between linux and the windows boxes are the same!

After that, you should be able to view the win_share directly from linux and have access to all its files.
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