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linux ubuntu ssh login

To replace the normal text password login with ssh public/private key pair....

Generate a pair at home (creates RSA based key pair)
ssh-keygen -t rsa

Enter in a passphrase when it asks.

upload the .pub key to the server
sftp root@<server address>
lcd /home/<your login>/.ssh

Login to the server normally as root.
Goto the .ssh directory
Append the public key to the authorized_keys
ssh root@<server address>
cd .ssh
cat >> authorized_keys

Then check that /etc/ssh/sshd_config has...
RSAAuthentication yes
PubkeyAuthentication yes

... in it

Restart the ssh server
/etc/init.d/ssh reload

Try logging in again as root and you should be prompted for passphrase to your ssh key.

ssh -v root@<server address>

to diagnose problems

ssh tunnel for mysql

// description of your code here

No forking in background and verbose

ssh -2 -v -c blowfish -C -N -L 3370/

Forking in background

ssh -2 -f -c blowfish -C -N -L 3370/

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